Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiprocessor System

Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiprocessor System

The purpose of this article is to explain the “Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiprocessor System“.

Our goal has been to develop systems that can accommodate higher levels of performance since the introduction of the first computer.

Computer hardware can be improved by a multiprocessor system by increasing speed and performance.

A multi-processor system makes use of more than one central processing unit (CPU) within a single system. Each processor shares the system’s memory and peripheral devices.

A single multiprocessor system runs processes parallel in this manner, which has its benefits and challenges.

Two types of multiprocessor systems are distinguished by the instructions they are given: symmetric and asymmetric.

Synchronized multiprocessor systems can simultaneously process multiple instructions from multiple CPUs. The master processor is responsible for giving instructions to the other processors in asymmetric multiprocessor systems.

Parallel processing is possible with the multiprocessor system. Alternatively, a single procedure can be divided into smaller, concurrent procedures.

Memory organization is also part of this system classification; shared memory and distributed memory are the two types.

Tightly coupled memory involves a shared address space and is commonly called shared memory.

As part of a distributed computing system, distributed memory is known as loosely coupled memory.

We can multitask in an application by using multiple processors and we can share the hardware among them.

Here’s a brief overview of the benefits and drawbacks of a multiprocessor system.

Advantages of multiprocessor system

It is most likely to boost execution speed that you would use a multiprocessor system. More tasks can be completed in less time this way. In addition to these reasons, you may want to think about switching to a multiprocessor system:

1. Reliable

Multiple processors increase the reliability of a system, which is an unsurprising benefit.

Due to their use of more than one processor, multiprocessor systems are highly reliable. So long as the remaining processors continue to work, the system can continue to function even if one halts.

In this case, there will be no major issue. It is certainly better than a system that comes to a halt if it slows down.

It is called graceful degradation because catastrophic failure is avoided. A system with multiple processors is also more reliable, as multiple processors increase accuracy.

2. Increased throughput

During a given period of time, the number of processes is completed. The processing capacity of a multiprocessor system is enhanced by the fact there is more than one CPU.

Thus, parallel processing is used to significantly increase the throughput. High throughput brings with it good performance, as one might expect.

In layman’s terms, you can accomplish more work in less time. When combined with different processors in a single system, the same task that can take more time can be realized more quickly.

3. Economical

If you are satisfied with the value you receive for the time, effort, and money you invest in a system, it would be considered economical. Thus, multiprocessor systems are quite economical since they make it possible to work with multiple processors in one system, which can save a lot of time, effort, and expense. Furthermore, these processors make use of shared memories, buses, and peripherals, which reduces the costs even further.

The benefits are that you do not have to purchase peripherals for every processor separately. Imagine this in comparison to multiple single-processor systems where you have to invest more to achieve the same level of performance. The multiprocessor system reduces operating costs and enables organizations to run processes more efficiently.

Disadvantages of a multiprocessor system

Understanding multi-processor systems is not complete without looking at their shortcomings. Two-processor systems have some disadvantages:

1. Expensive

In the short term, multiprocessor systems can be quite expensive if you don’t consider the long-term benefits.

Multiprocessor architecture is expensive due to the multiple processors. You may find that choosing a system with one processor is more affordable than two processors.

In addition to the cost of purchasing multiprocessor systems, maintaining them is equally expensive.

It is, therefore, preferable to stick with the single-processor system unless you are prepared to take into account the long-term benefits.

2. Requires large main memory

Multiprocessor systems have become commonplace because people want to increase their computing power. But with increased computing power comes increased memory requirements.

It should be noted in this architecture that all processors have direct access to the main memory. These processors are able to access the memory simultaneously because the memory is shared.

These processors share additional resources for completing tasks, in addition to main memory.

3. Complex operating system

Multiprocessor systems have separate operating systems for each CPU. Several small processes are divided among each processor, with the load being shared between them.

Its downside, however, is that they are increasingly complex. The involvement of multiple processors complicates the operation of the operating system.

4. Scheduling difficulties

Multiprocessor systems run several processes at once. A multiprocessor system has more complexity than a single processor system.

Different scheduling approaches are therefore necessary. Master-slave scheduling is one of them.

The master server here is a single processor. It schedules and makes decisions about the process.

Other processors cannot communicate with the master server. This means that not every processor receives exactly the same treatment.

Moreover, in case the master server is down, the slave server is turned into the master to carry out the tasks. Also, tasks are assigned to other processors when the slave server fails. Self-scheduling is the next method.

It requires no master-slave coordination. An operating system manages all the processors. In the ready queue, processes are available for processing comes available.

Shared memory allows them to communicate with each other. To maintain load balance, the scheduling system must be intricate because the processors must be synchronized.

If you want to read more about technology, read here: Technology.

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